





Somatic Therapy/Education 


Hands-On Modalities

Connection | Movement | Stillness | Somatic Therapy/Education  | Hands-On Modalities

SomaSoul® Somatic Therapy


  • Complementary session to learn about SomaSoul® Somatic Therapy, and if it might be right for you

  • $75

Although change comes from within, humans aren’t meant to “go it alone.” We are hard-wired for connection, and real connection with a caring other can make all the difference, in terms of healing, self-discovery, and personal transformation.

Taking a body-centered approach to therapy, we connect with each client in his/her/their feeling experience, meet real feelings as they show up, and offer support.

Some benefits may include:

  • Embodied presence

  • A deeper sense of connection, meaning and purpose

  • Reduced stress, tension and/or physical pain

  • Increased emotional resilience and capacity to be in discomfort

  • Shifts in perception, experience, and behavior

  • More openness and ability to relate well with others

  • Reduced emotional reactivity

  • Deep healing, growth and transformation

Contact me to set up a complementary consultation.

Zoom sessions are available for clients who prefer to meet online.

  • “Katie worked with me during a difficult time in my life, and helped me tremendously in healing deeply held pain from childhood trauma. Her presence was very gentle and supportive. I always felt deeply seen, heard, and understood. I highly recommend her work!”

    Lauren Powers